Recognizing that:
The Anti-Corruption Principles for Corporation in Malaysia, as may be amended or revised from time to time, are principles to which companies in Malaysia should commit to promote integrity, transparency and good governance in all aspects of its operations;
To conduct business free from corruption and in accordance with the Anti-Corruption Principles for Corporations in Malaysia and to ultimately act in the best interests of the Company and its shareholders, as corruption destroys shareholder value, undermines the confidence of investors, and is the antithesis of sustainable growth.
BIMB Investment Management Berhad hereby pledges that it shall:
Not, through any of its employees, agents or subsidiaries commit any corruption offence under any law, such as the MACC Act 2009 or Penal Code;
Not conduct any business practices or activities that would require or encourage any of its employees, agents or subsidiaries to commit such offences; and
Uphold the Anti-Corruption Principles for Corporations in Malaysia in the conduct of its business and in its interactions with its business partners and the government.
Activities & Initiatives
Anti-Bribery and Corruption Policy-Integrity Kit for Bank Islam’s Business Associates
In conjunction of International Anti-Corruption Day that was observed on 9 December 2020, Integrity & Governance Department (IGD) has organized Bank Islam’s Virtual Integrity Day 2020 on the even date. Amongst the initiatives by IGD during the Virtual Integrity Day is launching of the new version of Integrity Kit for Bank Islam’s Business Associates (BAs).
Bank Islam Malaysia Berhad and its subsidiaries (“the Bank”) has, from its inception, consistently adheres to the principles of good corporate governance and emphasis on operating its business with fairness and transparency. This is in line with the Bank’s shared value of “Act with Integrity”. The Bank is also a signatory to the Corporate Integrity Pledge, committing to uphold an Anti-Corruption Principles in Malaysia in promoting integrity, good governance and transparency in all aspects of its operation.
BIMB Investment is to strictly follow the integrity policies as part of the group’s commitment to integrity and sustainable way of doing business. These policies are aligned with all relevant laws and regulations, including the National Anti-Corruption Plan (“NACP”) and Malaysian Anti-Corruption Commission (“MACC”) Act 2009, particularly Section 17A of the MACC (Amendment) Act 2018:
i) Anti-Bribery and Corruption Policy (“ABCP”);
ii) Gift Policy (“GP”);
iii) Whistleblowing Policy (“WBP”); and
iv) Vendor’s Code of Ethics Guideline (“VCOE”)
Through these policies, BIMB Investment holds zero-tolerance approach against all forms of bribery and corruption when conducting business and all Bank’s employees are not permitted to give or offer anything of value including gifts, hospitality, or entertainment to anyone for the purpose of improperly obtaining or retaining a business or personal advantage except otherwise governed by the policies. We pledge full commitment to act professionally, fairly and with integrity in all its business dealings and expects its employees to observe the same.
Whistleblowing Reporting Channel
A Whistleblower (WB) is encouraged to identify himself/herself when submitting a duly completed Whistleblowing Assessment Form/Report [BIMB Investment_Whistleblowing Assessment Form] .
This Form / Report can be made to the following dedicated reporting channel:-
Bank Islam Group Integrity Hotline: 1800-18-0201